Park your car at the service station just around the block from there and walk to the back entrance of the house and then you can talk to Magpie about all this. 把车停在加油站那儿,只要从那儿绕过那条街走到房子的后门进去,你就可以跟喜鹊谈所有这一切了。
As health experts point out, most bad habits are deep-rooted and can be traced back to the struggles of college entrance examinations when most adopt a highly sedentary routine with irregular meals. 营养专家指出,有些不良习惯已根深蒂固了,还是高考时遗留下来的,那时大部分人都是久坐不动,饮食也不规律。
Harry took one glance back at the entrance of the Great Hall. 哈利最后看了一眼礼堂的入口。
It sits in the back of your closet for 11 months of the year, just waiting for the holiday party at which it will make it's grand entrance and then it's Christmas. 它一年中有11个月都压在衣柜的后面,只为等待节日派对时华丽登场,然后就是圣诞节。
This bearing should take us back to the entrance. we'll regroup at the whaling station. 这个方向应该可以到达入口,我们要在捕鲸站重新组队。
We arrived through a secret back entrance. 我们是通过一道秘密的后门抵达的。
Quite puzzled, Qiuqiu ran back home and showed her over-seventy-year-old grandma to the entrance. 秋秋很糊涂,就转身跑回家,把七十多岁的奶奶领到了村头。
Exit the passage and head back into the hotel, up the left staircase to the boiler room entrance past the statue. 退出通道和头部进入酒店回来,离开了楼梯到锅炉房门口过去的雕像。
The bum then led me back past the smiling old woman near the entrance, down the steps and back on the streets near where we first met. 谈话结束了,老流浪汉带我回到刚去过的入口附近,从微笑的老妇人那里取了行李,我们下楼梯又回到了大街上,距我们初次见面的地方很近。
Each time the mother wasp dragged the cricket back to the entrance of the burrow, she would say to herself," should I check the burrow again?" 每当雌蜂将蟋蟀拖回洞口时,她会自问:“我该不该重新检查一下地洞呢?”
There were no back door or side doors and so people coming and going had to use the formal front entrance. 它没设旁门和后门,人们出入白宫都须通过正门。
Deliveries should be made at the back entrance. 交货应在后面的入口处。
A door was banging somewhere, ie opening and closing noisily. There were no back door or side doors and so people coming and going had to use the formal front entrance. 不知哪里有扇门砰砰作响(开门和关门的响声).它没设旁门和后门,人们出入白宫都须通过正门。
Each of the latter two contains front and back chambers and fine bas-relief work at its entrance. 每一组后两个都有前后间,在其入口有精美的浅浮雕作品。
On his way back along the broom road, under the lamps that marked the entrance to the palace grounds, grief encountered a short, rotund gentleman. 格里菲顺着“金雀花路”往回走。在王官所在地入口处的几盏灯底下,他碰上一位身材矮小,体形滚圆的绅士。
It took his breath for a minute; and while he choked, Mr Linton walked out by the back door into the yard, and from thence to the front entrance. 这使希刺克厉夫有一分钟喘不过气来。在他噎住的当儿,林惇先生从后门走出,到院子里,从那儿又走到前面大门去了。
To avoid angry demonstrators, the minister was spirited through the back entrance. 为了躲过愤怒的抗议群众,这位部长被偷偷地从后面的入口带了进去。
Rich also is a life style, Finally, we must not back entrance to the residential areas, But to the end, he simply this poor snail back! 也算是丰富生活的一种情调,最后我们都要小斌可不要带回住宿的地方,可是最后他还是硬是把这只可怜的蜗牛带回去了!
She sneaked into the house by the back entrance. 她偷偷从后门进了房子。
There's a front and back entrance to the house. 这房子前后各有一个入口。
This time I came back specially to see my family, especially my little daughter who would take the entrance examination soon. 这次我专程回来探望家人,尤其是我那即将参加入学考试的小女儿。
We used the back entrance to the building. 我们是从大楼的后门入口走进去的。
Must we simultaneously thrust the Unawares out at the back entrance? 难道我们同时非把辨识派赶出后门不可?
I had planned to wait for him at the back entrance of the building at six o'clock. 我打算在六点钟的时候在大楼的后门等他。
Look Back on China's Entrance to WTO 回眸中国加入WTO
Looking back upon the past and forward to the future, it is necessary to generalize the developing traits, the reforming method and the history experience of the composition for the entrance examination to colleges in the new era. 抚今追昔,继往开来,我们有必要对新时期以来的高考作文发展轨迹、改革思路和历史经验做以总结回顾。